Aceste stări sunt ca nişte valuri care te ridică şi te coboară încontinuu, dar, pe nesimţite, curenţii te poate mai departe, tot mai departe, nimeni neputând să rămână mai mult timp în acelaşi loc.
Prin mişcările verticale experimentezi lumea internă, iar prin cele orizontale lumea externă.
Dar, rămâi mereu, încontinuu, în acelaşi mediu... mental.
Experienţele de viaţă nu te fac să fii altfel de cum eşti, ci te fac să experimentezi anumite stări de conştiinţă.
Experienţele de viaţă nu te fac să fii altfel de cum eşti, ci te fac să experimentezi anumite stări de conştiinţă.
Ele nu te fac umil, puternic, uman, etc, ci te obligă să experimentezi anumite stări : umilinţa, potenţa, creativitatea, etc.
Un om este umil cât timp experimentează mental starea de umilinţă.
După aceea nu mai este umil, experimentând altă stare.
Dar, în aceleaşi condiţii experienţiale de viaţă, unii oameni se simt umiliţi, umili, iar alţii... nici pe departe.
Reacţiile a diferiţi oameni la aceeaşi stimulare sunt foarte variate.
Un om la care ţipi se poate intimida, altul se poate enerva, iar altul poate să râdă de tine şi să te ia peste picior, în glumă, etc.
Modul în care fiecare interpretează şi se raportează la experienţele sale de viaţă (stimulări), este hotărâtor privind starea sa internă psihoafectivă declanşată ca reacţie personală.
Reacţia este modelată de tiparul personalităţii şi experienţa proprie.
Dacă omul se simte MENTAL umilit, va trăi sentimentul umilinţei.
Dacă omul se simte MENTAL umilit, va trăi sentimentul umilinţei.
Dacă nu, nu.
A te simţi sau nu umilit, într-o anumită situaţie, reprezintă o reacţie conferită de tiparele tale de gândire.
Conştientizând asta, poţi influenţa și controla mental ceea ce simţi şi reacţiile afective corespunzătoare, efectuând anumite raţionalizări conştiente.
Intelectul şi trăirile emoţionale sunt în strânsă interdependenţă funcţională, de aceea, prin gândire, poţi să îţi controlezi trăirile afectiv-sufleteşti.
Intelectul şi trăirile emoţionale sunt în strânsă interdependenţă funcţională, de aceea, prin gândire, poţi să îţi controlezi trăirile afectiv-sufleteşti.
Există un feedback continuu, o buclă închisă, prin care efectele operează în timp real asupra cauzelor.
Numim asta "adaptare"...
Tu eşti, la un moment dat, în prezent, aşa cum gândeşti că eşti.
Dacă îţi laşi mintea să fie străbătută de gânduri de frică, declanşate de stimuli exteriori, sau de reamintirea unor experienţe traumatizante, te vei simţi fricos, deoarece vei gândi şi te vei comporta ca un fricos, cu frică.
Dar, imediat ce preiei controlul CONŞTIENT asupra gândurilor care "îţi vin", tu poţi ieşi din acea stare de "a fi" (fricos), prin reorientarea atenţiei şi emiterea unor gânduri pozitive referitoare la modul în care tu vrei "să fii" în prezent (curajos).
Este important de înţeles faptul că tu poţi să schimbi, ÎN PREZENT, mental, tot ce ţine de "a fi".
Situaţia pe care o trăieşti în prezent este efectul gândurilor tale din trecut.
Situaţia pe care o trăieşti în prezent este efectul gândurilor tale din trecut.
Orientându-ţi gândurile din prezent, în mod conştient, vei ajunge în viitor în situaţiile spre care te poartă ceea ce gândeşti în "acum".
Schimbările, transformările, pot fi operate doar în AICI şi ACUM, în PREZENT !
Bineînţeles însă că viaţa ta nu se va schimba imediat, deoarece efectele karmice ale tuturor gândurilor şi acţiunilor determinate de gândurile tale anterioare, vor continua să mai producă anumite efecte, o perioadă de timp, dar aceste efecte le poţi atenua şi chiar anihila, dacă înţelegi mecanismul determinării cauzale, înainte de a se manifesta în plan fizic (prin tehnici de "ardere" a karmei).
Demontând tipare nocive de gândire vechi (fixaţii, blocaje), vei stopa cauza unor efecte negative în lanţ.
Instituind tipare pozitive noi, prin exerciţii, prin antrenament mental (autosugestii, raţionamente /afirmaţii repetate ce formează reflexe condiţionate), vei declanşa un lanţ de efecte pozitive în concordanţă cu scopul urmărit.
Conţinutul afirmaţiilor pe care le auzi în mod repetat, devin adevăruri pentru tine, în mintea ta, pe acest principiu bazându-se şi metodele de influenţare, şi... manipularea.
Dacă tu repeţi anumite afirmaţii, ca autosugestii, acele afirmaţii se consolidează în timp drept credinţe şi convingeri.
Repetând în minte şi cu voce tare "Eu sunt..." aşa şi aşa, ceea ce fixezi astfel în mintea ta prin repetiţie în subconştient va ajunge să influenţeze inevitabil modul tău de gândire şi de comportament, acţiunile şi reacţiile tale.
Tu poţi să DEVII ceea ce CREZI CU TĂRIE că eşti, şi EŞTI ACUM ceea ce tu crezi că eşti acum, conform actualelor tale tipare de gândire, existente în subconştientul tău.
Faptul că nu le conştientizezi prea bine existenţa şi influenţa lor asupra vieţii tale, este o... altă poveste...
Rolul minţii /gândirii în cadrul demersului de conştientizare a stării de A Fi, cât şi de transformare a vieţii tale, a deveni, este evident şi incontestabil.
Conştientizarea acestui fapt îţi va conferi puterea de a efectua schimbări, transformări, în mod conştient, prin voinţa proprie.
La baza acestui demers procesual stă INTENŢIA...
Iar secretul succesului (adică obţinerea rezultatelor intenţionate) stă în REPETIŢIE, în focusarea atenţiei cât mai des asupra intenţiei, ca o REACTIVARE repetată a ei, ce îi conferă, cu fiecare activare, o energie sporită de... manifestare...
Ca exemplu, rugăciunea spusă o singură dată, nu are aproape nici un efect, dar dacă este repetată zilnic de mai multe ori, va produce... minuni.
Dar ea trebuie să conţină o... intenţie clară !
Acestea sunt condiţiile, acesta este secretul...
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Pe Patreon ai tot ceea ce ai nevoie ca să creşti și să gestionezi afacerea ta: configurare simplă, instrumente pentru a crește, postare rapidă şi simplă, distribuție de recompense, gestionarea afacerii tale...
Ai detalii utile aici: http://loveblog4all.blogspot.ro/2016/09/patreon-un-mod-de-castig-financiar.html
Religie si spiritualitate - filme DVD: http://bit.ly/24cNN9o ; http://bit.ly/24eyWeH ;
În limbi străine: http://bit.ly/1Vo2lCL ;
Minte-trup-spirit (limbi străine): http://bit.ly/24ezBg4
-CĂRŢI SPIRITUALITATE (şi nu numai) recomandate de Kato : http://loveblog4all.blogspot.com/2014/08/carti-spiritualitate.html

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Mental influence on the State of "Being"
The different experiences of terrestrial life force you to fluctuate through a series of psychomental states, around a state of equilibrium.
These states are like waves that pick you up and down constantly, but imperceptibly.
Currents can take you further, farther, anyone unable to stay longer in one place.
Through vertical movements, you experience the inner world, and through the horizontal, the external world. But you are staying always, continuously, in the same environment... mentally.
Life experiences do not make different from what you are but make you experience certain states of consciousness.
They do not make you humble, strong, human, etc., but forces you to experiment certain conditions: humility, potency, creativity, etc.
A man is humble while experiencing a mental state of humility.
Through vertical movements, you experience the inner world, and through the horizontal, the external world. But you are staying always, continuously, in the same environment... mentally.
Life experiences do not make different from what you are but make you experience certain states of consciousness.
They do not make you humble, strong, human, etc., but forces you to experiment certain conditions: humility, potency, creativity, etc.
A man is humble while experiencing a mental state of humility.
Then there is not humble, experiencing another state.
But in the same experiential conditions of life, some people feel humiliated, humble, others ... not even close.
Reactions to different people at the same stimulation are very varied.
A man can be intimidated by a yell, another can annoy, and another may laugh at you and take you jokingly, etc.
How each interprets and relates to his life experiences (stimulation), is decisively concerning its psycho-emotional state triggered as a personal response.
The reaction is shaped by the personality pattern and personal experience.
If one feels MENTAL humiliated, will feel the sense of humility. If not, not.
Feeling humiliated or not, in a given situation, represent a response given by your patterns of thinking.
Realizing that, you can influence and mental control what you feel and emotional appropriate reactions, making some conscious rationalizations.
But in the same experiential conditions of life, some people feel humiliated, humble, others ... not even close.
Reactions to different people at the same stimulation are very varied.
A man can be intimidated by a yell, another can annoy, and another may laugh at you and take you jokingly, etc.
How each interprets and relates to his life experiences (stimulation), is decisively concerning its psycho-emotional state triggered as a personal response.
The reaction is shaped by the personality pattern and personal experience.
If one feels MENTAL humiliated, will feel the sense of humility. If not, not.
Feeling humiliated or not, in a given situation, represent a response given by your patterns of thinking.
Realizing that, you can influence and mental control what you feel and emotional appropriate reactions, making some conscious rationalizations.
Intellect and emotional experiences are interrelated functional, so by thinking you can control your emotional experiences, your soul experiences.
There is continuous feedback, a closed loop, which operates in real time effects on causes.
We call this "adaptation"...
You are, at some point, at present, as you think you are.
If you let your mind be crossed by thoughts of fear, triggered by external stimuli, or the recall of traumatic experiences, you will feel fearful because you think and you behave like a coward, with fear.
But as soon as you take control consciousness of the thoughts that "comes to you", you can get out of that state of "being" (coward), by refocusing attention and issuing positive thoughts on how you want "to be" currently (brave).
It is important to understand that you can change, in the present, mentally, everything about "being".
The situation that you are living now is the effect of your past thoughts.
Directing your thoughts from the present, consciously, you get in the future into situations that take you to what you think in the "now".
Changes, transformations, can be made only HERE and NOW, in THE PRESENT !
But of course that your life will not change immediately because the karmic effects of all thoughts and actions resulting from your previous thoughts, will continue to produce certain effects, a period of time, but you can reduce these effects and even abolish, if you understand the causal determining mechanism, before manifesting in the physical (through techniques of "burning" karma).
Dismounting old harmful patterns of thinking (fixations, blockages), you'll stop the cause of some negative chain effects.
Establishing new positive patterns through exercises, mental training (auto-suggestion, reasoning, repeated statements that form conditioned reflexes), will trigger a chain of positive effects consistent with purpose.
The content of the information that you hear repeatedly become truths for yourself, in your mind. On this principle is based the methods of influence and... manipulation.
If you repeat certain statements as auto-suggestion, those statements are reinforcing in time as beliefs and convictions.
Repeating in mind and aloud, "I am ..." so and so, what fix in your mind through repetition in your subconscious, will inevitably influence your way of thinking and behavior, your actions and reactions.
You can become what you believe firmly that you are, and you are now what you think you are now, according to your current thought patterns that exist in your subconscious.
The fact that you do not realize very well the existence and their influence on your life, it's a... different story.
The role of the mind and thinking in the approach of awareness of the state of Being, as well as your life transformation, it is obvious and undeniable.
Awareness of this fact will give you the power to make changes, transformations, consciously, by your own will.
At the base of this procedural step is INTENTION. And the secret of success (ie achieving the intended results) lies in REPETITION, the focus of attention as often as possible on the intention, as a repeated REACTIVATION, what gives with each activation, increased energy for... manifestation.
For example, the prayer recited once only has almost no effect, but if it is repeated several times daily, will produce ... miracles.
But it must contain a... clear intention !
You are, at some point, at present, as you think you are.
If you let your mind be crossed by thoughts of fear, triggered by external stimuli, or the recall of traumatic experiences, you will feel fearful because you think and you behave like a coward, with fear.
But as soon as you take control consciousness of the thoughts that "comes to you", you can get out of that state of "being" (coward), by refocusing attention and issuing positive thoughts on how you want "to be" currently (brave).
It is important to understand that you can change, in the present, mentally, everything about "being".
The situation that you are living now is the effect of your past thoughts.
Directing your thoughts from the present, consciously, you get in the future into situations that take you to what you think in the "now".
Changes, transformations, can be made only HERE and NOW, in THE PRESENT !
But of course that your life will not change immediately because the karmic effects of all thoughts and actions resulting from your previous thoughts, will continue to produce certain effects, a period of time, but you can reduce these effects and even abolish, if you understand the causal determining mechanism, before manifesting in the physical (through techniques of "burning" karma).
Dismounting old harmful patterns of thinking (fixations, blockages), you'll stop the cause of some negative chain effects.
Establishing new positive patterns through exercises, mental training (auto-suggestion, reasoning, repeated statements that form conditioned reflexes), will trigger a chain of positive effects consistent with purpose.
The content of the information that you hear repeatedly become truths for yourself, in your mind. On this principle is based the methods of influence and... manipulation.
If you repeat certain statements as auto-suggestion, those statements are reinforcing in time as beliefs and convictions.
Repeating in mind and aloud, "I am ..." so and so, what fix in your mind through repetition in your subconscious, will inevitably influence your way of thinking and behavior, your actions and reactions.
You can become what you believe firmly that you are, and you are now what you think you are now, according to your current thought patterns that exist in your subconscious.
The fact that you do not realize very well the existence and their influence on your life, it's a... different story.
The role of the mind and thinking in the approach of awareness of the state of Being, as well as your life transformation, it is obvious and undeniable.
Awareness of this fact will give you the power to make changes, transformations, consciously, by your own will.
At the base of this procedural step is INTENTION. And the secret of success (ie achieving the intended results) lies in REPETITION, the focus of attention as often as possible on the intention, as a repeated REACTIVATION, what gives with each activation, increased energy for... manifestation.
For example, the prayer recited once only has almost no effect, but if it is repeated several times daily, will produce ... miracles.
But it must contain a... clear intention !
These are the conditions, this is the secret ...
I wish you a wonderful day!
I wish you a wonderful day!
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